Saturday, April 24, 2010

For Those Of You Who Are Dying To See...

Yes, I'm sure most of you who read this blog know now about our alpaca adventure. John and I drove out to Montana to pick up 3 alpacas. We drove out there without a trailer. Alpacas of Montana owners Sarah and James Budd assured us that the back of a Chevy Astro van was plenty room for 3 animals. Okay. We trusted them. We got there, met our guys and the many many other alpacas there (they have 120), and learned a ton about raising alpacas, day to day care, selling fiber, etc. All very very interesting and exciting (to us). Then the proposition came. They offered us a rather large package deal that we really could not pass up. The deal included not 3 but 5 alpacas AND it remained within our budget. That was well and good, HOWEVER.....the obvious concern was the trip home. Sarah assured us that there would be room in the van for 5. WE were sweating bullets but figured she knew what she was talking about and thought we'd give it a try. Crazy, I know. Sure enough, all 5 fit. They did exactly what she said they would do.....they curled up next to eachother and slept.

Four in the back and Chester (the biggest) hung out in front.

this was actually a pretty comical moment.....four of them decided they needed to stretch and they all stood up. THAT was funny and didn't last too long.....
.....we all made it home safely. I think they like it here......;-)

left to right: Luigi, Chester, Frederico, Ike, Bonanza


Jen said...

Love it!! I know I just commented on the other page - but I think this looks like the coolest "adventure"!! Good Luck!

Kendall said...

It looks like fun! What kind of shape was your van in after this trip?

Theresa said...

kendall - surprisingly it wasn't bad. we laid a huge tarp down and duck taped it up the sides, they had straw and hay to lay on. So really all we had to do was get the animals out, undo the tape, and drag out the tarp.....everything came with it. there is some stray hay and straw all over from the wind blowing (we had to keep the side windows pushed open so they didn't get too hot). other than that, the van is fine.....clean, aired out, and in need of a little check up under to hood but we kinda expected that.

it was quite the adventure! ;-)