Saturday, November 07, 2009

Of Her Own Initiative...

I am a firm believer in NOT pushing potty training. Encourage but not push. Almost everyday since Wyatt was born I'd ask Yvette, "Do you want to sit on the potty?" I'd get a very decisive "No." Okay. Subject closed (for now). Then she turned 2. My mother, being the smarty that she is, found a life like dolly that came with a potty chair and gave it to Yvette for her birthday. Genius! For a few days Yvette was all about dolly going potty on the mini potty chair. Great. Then a few days after that Yvette would pretend to sit on the mini dolly potty and do her business in her diaper. Then the wonderous day arrived a couple weeks ago when she came up to me, pushed down her pants, started ripping off her diaper, and said, "Mom....I go potty-a-toewet." Done. We pulled out the little potty seat and she sat there. She sat there for a while. Then I hear, "Mom....I need a book."
Enough said.

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