Saturday, May 08, 2010

Alpaca Love....

They have made so much progress! They now greet us at the fence when we come out of the house. They'll follow us around. They aren't as skiddish as they were in the beginning. And when we crouch down to kid level, they come right up to us and touch our nose. Alpacas "greet" eachother by touching noses. They'll go right up to the kids without hesitation. It has been really fantastic having these guys. Stay tuned the next couple weeks......we are having them shorn on May 21st. That should be interesting.......;-)


Anonymous said...

The alpacas must have realy likes the rain,they have gotten so fluffy !!
It will be interesting to see how big they really are after they are shorn!No matter...they sure are cute.
Do the kids feed them ?
Do they make any noises?

Love the blog !

Anonymous said...

The alpacas must have realy likes the rain,they have gotten so fluffy !!
It will be interesting to see how big they really are after they are shorn!No matter...they sure are cute.
Do the kids feed them ?
Do they make any noises?

Love the blog !