Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wyatt's Park Adventure

Justin and I took the kids to the park. It was the first time I actually just let Wyatt go and explore. He was so excited!!!!

First stop....the tunnels:
He made it through okay with a couple of tag-alongs. Then through a bigger tunnel.....
This is what he was met with on the other side.....
scary....I know. ;-) But he ventured on to "the bridge". It looked easy enough...
but that shaky  terrain was kinda weird....
after sitting back and assessing the road ahead.....he ventures on with courage and confidence.....
only to be faced with his finaly end......The Slide......
Hayden did it with no hesitation.......Yvette laughs as she flies to the bottom....
Wyatt? He had to think a little.....
he ended up going down.....again and again and again and again.........such a brave boy. ;-)

We ended the super fast trip to the park with Hayden slipping in the grass. OH WHAT FUN!!!!


Kendall said...

Kara LOVES the tunnels which is great because I'm not real fond of letting her crawl around in the wood chips at the park. It's a safe place for her to explore as I'm trying to keep an eye on crazy Brenna!
Is Wyatt walking yet? Kara has no desire, whatsoever...

Theresa said...

Wyatt IS walking. He has his circular route that gets walked a million times a day. This whole stage is so bittersweet. I'm not sure if I like him being so independent and mobile or if I love that he can at least try to keep up with everyone instead of being toted around on the hip or in the stroller.
Our babies are really babies anymore....

Kristin D said...

It was only a week or so ago that he was just "taking off" for real and was doing so well! I can only imagine how solid he is now with his walking. I'm a little afraid if we're around him too much he'll give Mira's getting close as well and I'm just not quite ready for that yet. She just started clapping and shaking her head no at us etc....doesn't it seem like each one grows up faster then the last??