Monday, February 08, 2010

Show Me Some Love....

Okay.....I'm going to pout.

Apparently I have regular readers. A handful anyway. But NOBODY every leaves me a comment. Not even "anonymously".

Getting some comment love might just help me to want to be a better blogger. ????

I'm really not going to beg.......


Kendall said...

Ok, I found your blogs, I think, through Mallory's blog and I check them often waiting for updates. I've wanted to comment, but just haven't. So, their you go, I'll come out of the dark! :)
By the way, I love your blogs and I think that Brenna and Yvette would have a blast together - they have a lot in common!!!

Kristin D said...

Well If you can pout then I will too since I commented on TWO of your older posts and you never wrote back... :-( I figured maybe you didn't look at the comments... lol

See: Oh what fun it is to ride...and the post with the bunny blanket that you gave to Mira. ok..pouting over. I will be your comment buddy if you'd like one!

Theresa said...

AWESOME!!! Thanks guys! I totally feel better. ;-)

And Kristin, I know you comment. Your my only faithful follower (that I know of) other than my mother.


Theresa said...

Kendall, I can totally tell Brenna is very much Yvette's type. VERY MUCH. They could either be really great for each other or completely drive us both even more nutty together. ;-)

We'll have to test the waters next time we are in Crosby.

BrentJenAllieGwen said...

Theresa!! I check at least once a week!! I have all my friends' blogs listed in a favorite file and I flip through to see who has updated!! I love when someone has! and your pictures of the kids are too cute! sorry... i never think to comment though! I will try to keep it in mind - b/c I forget how much it means to me too!

Theresa said...

Jen, you are too sweet. Really I should delete this post because it was just a moment of whininess. Total moment of insecurity.
But thanks!