Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Farm Life Brings A Smile.....

We heat with wood. ONLY wood. Needless to say trips out to the wood shed are a daily routine. It isn't uncommon for John and/or I to bundle up over our jammies and load up the wheelbarrow before we go to bed. For a while this was strictly John's job until I was left alone for the weekend. Being alone meant doing all the "dailys" by myself. I formed an appreciation, natural love, and strength of conviction during those days. But that is something I'll go into in another post....

For now you get a taste of John's parenting/teaching....

Oh how this boy was proud. And so was his Daddy! Like Father Like Son......


Kristin D said...

I LOVE the smile on his face on that second picture. It's the kind of smile that says "I'm going to LOVE every second of this before they realize I'm doing something I shouldn't!" lol

Theresa said...

I think he was shocked that we were cheering him on. He totally loved it!