Saturday, November 21, 2009

Things I've Been Working On...

I took a knitting class last March before Wyatt was born. I LOVED IT! You can't get the needles out of my hands! Here are a few things I've been working on the past couple of weeks:


Yvette loved this hat!...though it actually fits me much better. It wasn't meant to be a slouchy hat, but it looks kinda cute as one, don't you think?

"Yvette, look at me and SMILE!"

She thought it needed some embellishment....

.....more to come.....


Kristin D said...
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Kristin D said...

Super cute Theresa! I didn't get to tell you but I LOVE the knitted bunny you gave to Mira for baptism. I think she'll love it!!! If she doesn't it can sleep with me ;-)