Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Abby's

Justin and Megan came for the weekend. We all had so much fun! The kids were awesome together and provided some great laughs. I am exhausted though and excited for a day of normalacy tomorrow (hopefully).

As soon as Megan walked in the door on Friday, Yvette ran up to her and said, "HI Abby!....whatch you dooing?" We promptly corrected her and told her it was Megan. The kids were playing for a bit and we hear Megan say to Yvette, "Abby, can I please play with Dolly Molly?" We promptly corrected her and told her it was Yvette. This went on all day Friday and half of Saturday before we gave up and let them call eachother Abby.

Megan and Yvette

THIS is Abby (their other cousin)

Funny thing is neither of them looks a whole lot alike (as you can see) and their personalities are completely different. But each one is absolutely beautiful don't you think?

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