Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Weekend Fun To Share

My mom came with Isabell and Abby this past weekend. And did we have fun!!!! The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Pass It On

My grandfather made this rocking horse for my brothers and I in 1982 when Stephen was born. Along with it came a mini rocker for Steve and a dolly cradle for me. All made by hand by my grandfather. OH the miles we put on this horse! And now they all sit in my living for my children to play with. All still sturdy and ready to ride.
What memories this brings back.......

*thanks Grandpa!!!*

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Days Of Summer

Can summer get any better than this? A hot and breezy Saturday afternoon of playtime with cousins and friends and some oh-so-yummy homegrown watermelon. I think I can taste it again just thinking about it.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sun Bathing

It begins with an innocent washing of the hands.
Which lead to a curiousity and a dress soaking....
...and the dress comes off.....
..."Mom, my hair is stinky.....can I wash it?".....
...then the tummy and the inevitable question..."Mom, can I get nakey?"...."No, Yvette. You leave you pants on."
....and the hair again with a question from me, "Yvette, are you all clean yet?"....."Almost...."
She continued to wash herself for a good 30 minutes. Quite possibly the most entertaining 30 minutes of our day. She was so content with her wash bucket and rag. What 2 year old wouldn't be!!!

Hey. I know what you are thinking.....*sigh* "those were the days..." (of freedom and innocence and curiousity).

Friday, August 06, 2010

no use trying. this kid is the messiest, loudest, stubbornest, rowdiest, most willful of all 3 put together!

yet i just can't stop kissing him. is it because he's the baby? is it because he's just so darn cute? is it because he's spoiled? or is it just because I"M his mom? i don't know....maybe all of those reasons. i suppose it doesn't even matter. he's mine.