I love my coffee. I NEED my coffee. The only time I don't drink my coffee in the morning is if I'm sick or I've got the nastiest pregnancy heartburn in the world. My routine is: up by 6:30am or 7:00am (at the latest) and by 9:00am I usually have my usual 2 cups of coffee. Sometimes, if I really really need it to stay sane, I'll have a third cup before noon.
My dilemma is this:
I never liked coffee before. Not coffee that tasted like coffee anyway. I usually splurged on Starbucks every once in a while, but that was it. Never liked the taste. But over the past couple years....well, actually since Steve died, I've taken to not only liking coffee, but needing it. Now, having established my "history of drinking", I have recently been plagued with thoughts of having to quit. Why? I'm afraid it may affect the baby's sleep patterns, diet, etc because I plan on exclusively breastfeeding him. I never had this issue with either Hayden or Yvette.
I don't want to quit. But I will if necessary. My logic is this: I've been drinking it throughout this whole pregnancy. Why stop now? Would he go through "withdrawal" with me? If that is the case then it would be best to NOT quit, right?
Twisted logic, but needing some advice......
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago